A Journey of Resilience: From Uncertainty to Triumph

In the wake of the pandemic, it seemed as though the world was collectively grappling with such intense uncertainty, forcing many to question and reevaluate their lives. Feeling unfulfilled and confused about my future, I also found myself at a crossroads. 

For years, I had felt tied to a job that was such a major source of dissatisfaction. The unchallenging and predictable monotony of my routine made me feel as though I was running in place with no end in sight. However, the pandemic magnified the fragility of life. With the unwavering support of my family, I boldly made the life-altering decision to return to college as a non-traditional student. Little did I know that this decision would prove to be such a truly transformative experience.

Choosing California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) as my academic home, I initially enrolled as a communication studies major, although I quickly switched to public relations. However, just minutes into my first class, COMM 300 – Survey of Rhetorical Theory, doubt and imposter syndrome consumed me. Overhearing my classmates casually compare philosophers and theories sent me into a downward spiral. I physically felt myself shrinking into my chair as I questioned, “Can I actually do this?”

I left that class without contributing a single word toward discussion outside of softly introducing myself, my pronouns and major. The walk back to the parking lot was a blur, and suddenly, I was sitting in my parked car, frantically searching for the deadline to drop classes. Then, my heart sank as I thought about how I would have to break the news to my family. My husband saw such a potential in me that, at the time, I couldn’t see in myself. My mother, who had already sacrificed so much for our family, had only wanted for her children to succeed, and my stepfather’s mantra that “education is the key to success” echoed in my mind. Yet, it was the innocent enthusiasm of my baby sister, Luna, that proved to be my most powerful motivator.

We had spent winter break together as I waited for my first semester at CSULB, Spring 2022, to begin. Luna, who was 6 at the time, excitedly asked me about college and we daydreamed about her future. We scoured the bookstore’s online inventory to choose her very first Beach merch and scrolled TikTok watching campus tours. There was no way I could let her down. I felt a profound responsibility to not only fulfill my aspirations, but to show her that anything is possible. Though she may not have been aware of the impact she had on me, Luna became a driving force, urging me to persist in the face of adversity, despite my lack of self-belief.

Fueled by my determination to be a positive influence on Luna, I promised myself that not only would I graduate, but I would excel. Today, I am proud to announce that I have completed every semester at CSULB on the President’s List. In addition to pursuing a major in public relations, I overcame the challenges of a communication studies minor, completing this coursework while studying abroad in Italy.

Embracing every opportunity to grow and connect, I immersed myself in the encouraging and creative journalism and public relations (JPR) community. I actively participated in both the university’s National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) and Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapters. Throughout my last semester, I managed the JPR department’s Instagram and even co-moderated a webinar during JPR Internship Week.

As I close this chapter of my life and eagerly anticipate the next, I carry countless invaluable lessons. I now realize that every obstacle I have overcome throughout these past two years were never roadblocks, but rather, stepping stones toward becoming a stronger, more resilient version of myself. I hope that my journey can serve as an inspiration not only for Luna, but for anyone currently struggling at their own crossroads. My story is not just a personal triumph, but rather, an invitation for others facing uncertainty to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Life may be unpredictable, but within every challenge lies the potential for extraordinary accomplishment.


A Love Letter to the Inconvenience


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